eWellness – Telemedicine Today to protect you from diabetes

eWellness – Telemedicine Today to protect you from diabetes

eWellness DMpt program. is a fully insurance reimbursable program is intended for the welfare of a pre-diabetic person

10 Video presentation tips for startups

10 Video presentation tips for startups

Start the video simple and exciting to engage your audience. Provide an outline that sets the pace. Explain the purpose of the video in one sentence to establish a strong and positive image on your business.

10 Killer Tips to Startups Who Launch In the Next 2 Months

10 Killer Tips to Startups Who Launch In the Next 2 Months

Are you preparing it for a startup launch? adopting some smart and proficient strategies, will help to have your launch even at the earliest

Explainer Video Pricing and Budget : How to Invest Wisely

Explainer Video Pricing and Budget : How to Invest Wisely

You may already familiar with all the advantages of having a good explainer videos, like ranks your website better in Google search, increasing conversion rates, clarifying your product and boosting your sales. So, we are not going to bore you again with these points.

Now, then what we are going to talk about?

Power of Storytelling in Explainer Videos

Power of Storytelling in Explainer Videos

Once upon a time – this word gets more attention from us usually, when telling a story. The power of storytelling, and the use of stories to create an effect, no matter if it’s a true or fictive

Top 10 Mobile app Explainer Video of all time

Top 10 Mobile app Explainer Video of all time

      Are you creating a mobile app for all?? Therefore, you need a video, to tell how it works, its awesome features & Design – in a brief you have to [...]

10 Ways How Explainer Videos can Increase Your Sales

10 Ways How Explainer Videos can Increase Your Sales

The objective of every business is to sell more… right? In the competitive business environment, many small and large business owners are constantly facing a common dilemma – to increase their business sales.

4 Simple Marketing Tips for your New Explainer Video

4 Simple Marketing Tips for your New Explainer Video

To maximize the impact of your new explainer videos on potential customers the key approach you will need to take is to promote your video. You want to ensure that as many potential customers within your target market to watch, and share your new video.

When Video is no Longer an Option

When Video is no Longer an Option

Picture this. You visit a travel and tourism website to plan a long awaited trip to the Bahamas. You need a place to stay and the floating kitchen sink on [...]

Top 10 Kickstarter video campaigns for startups to get inspired

Top 10 Kickstarter video campaigns for startups to get inspired

When a startup company is planning to do the funding through Kickstarter; the startups need a cool idea with a killer video for making it a grand success.

10 YouTube Marketing Tips for Startups to Promote an Explainer Video

10 YouTube Marketing Tips for Startups to Promote an Explainer Video

YouTube is one of the largest video sharing communities on E-world. Aside from a source of entertainment, people use to consider it as a great source of information.

Why most of the explainer video sucks? 6 ways to improve your Video project

Why most of the explainer video sucks? 6 ways to improve your Video project

If you concur with the maxim, A Picture speaks a thousand words, then extrapolate and imagine the power of video and immense number of words and tedious explainer texts it can save.