How Videos decide the fate of your Kickstarter or Indiegogo Funding

How Videos decide the fate of your Kickstarter or Indiegogo Funding

When you are a startup looking for some crowdfunding on platforms like indiegogo and Kickstarter, a great video is mandatory. They say building a compelling video alone would ensure your funding on these platforms.

Untold story of MagicLeap- A billion dollar secret startup

Untold story of MagicLeap- A billion dollar secret startup

The idea of MagicLeap, the new darling of the silicon valley is to shape and forge computing work for the people. People should not be compelled to choose between technology and the real world. The future of computing should be derived naturally.

How to explain my Startup in 90 seconds

How to explain my Startup in 90 seconds

Have you ever tried explaining your company in less than 2 minutes? Look for easiest ways to make people understand what the heck your business actually does and how they can get benefit out of it.

Pitch Your VC like a Magician

Pitch Your VC like a Magician

Pitching is all about gathering attention and creating an impression. When you perform your greatest trick in front of your VC, imagine yourself to be a professional with a magician hat and a wand.