Dropfeed is a Viral Stories Aggregator app. It can also be user as a Personalized Consolidated News Feed.

eWellness – Telemedicine Today to protect you from diabetes
eWellness DMpt program. is a fully insurance reimbursable program is intended for the welfare of a pre-diabetic person

Herds – Go Social But Not At the Cost of Privacy!
Sharing content or photos or virtually anything with only the people you want is difficult and Herds helps you do just that.It is a private social group app that enables you to create ‘Herds’ and then share events or picture, practically anything relevant to your group.

12 Types of explainer Videos to choose for startups
Every startup looking for a production of new explainer video for their upcoming project.Have a big question on what to choose? How to select the best one?

Top 10 Startup demo videos of 2012 to get inspired
startup companies started using demo videos or explainer videos as there big marketing platform to inspire new visitors, investors, ventures.

Sevenly: Using Art & Community to Raise Charity Funding
Sevenly is a charitable organization that operates through their website. Their concept is slightly different for raising funds for various charities.

Lucky Ant: Helping Local Businesses Grow
Lucky Ant introduces a completely new and different way of helping the local businesses in your area grow. Based in New York, Lucky Ant at the moment covers only a [...]

Dropbox: A Single Secure Location to Drop All Your Documents
Dropbox is a virtual place to save all your documents, pictures and other files. This application is available for Windows and Mac PCs and even as a smartphone application. It’s [...]

Cottonique: Cotton made Unique
Cottonique is an apparel brand that is concerned with producing environmentally safe and healthy cotton apparel. Their main aim is to produce undergarments and basic apparel that is in constant [...]

Box.net: sharing Documents in a Safe & Secure Manner
Box is a concept very similar to Googledocs and Dropbox, allowing the users to access their information from any place at any time.It works on the basics of cloud storage [...]

Bestappideas: Helps You Get Investment for Your App Ideas
Bestappideas is a very different and interesting service for thousands of people who have ideas for smartphone applications, but not the finances to make it a reality.This is a web-based [...]

Step-By-Step Procedure to Create an Awesome Animated Demo Video
Businesses around the world are making their presence felt online through animated demo videos. From startups to well-established brand names, the use of videos has given businesses a new medium [...]