Collection of Steve Jobs Videos: Every Startup entrepreneur should watch

Collection of Steve Jobs Videos

      Steve Jobs thoughts, actions, even his style remains inspirational for millions of startup entrepreneurs.

      The style he adopted in business, the vision he had in R&D are far more superior to any other entrepreneurs of this century. Think Different, the great slogan every startup should think of before starting anything new. Each videos listed here are collected in different stages of Steve jobs life.

Steve jobs and next

      In 1987, after he left Apple, Steve jobs created his next great computer empire NeXT which made him as the most influential mind of the 21st century.

Steve jobs on secret of life

      Here is the video of Steve jobs life secret which is like a open book for all entrepreneurs.

Interview talk about early days of apple (1980)

      Steve jobs created Apple out of the friendship with Steve Wozniak in 1970, as a young entrepreneur.

iPhone launch interview. Wow

      Steve jobs introduced his new iphone in 2007 one of his creative innovation inspired by everyone…”Think different”

Steve jobs interview just before returning to apple

      Before returning back to apple, Steve jobs precious words about apple and its innovations.

Steve jobs 1990 interview

      Most important interview in his success era ,which initiated many young talents to become an entrepreneurs.

Steve jobs Stanford university speech

      This is one of the most wonderful speech of Steve jobs ,which surely inspires everyone.

Steve jobs and bill gates

      Billgates commented Steve as the coolest man and was impressed by his speech many times.





   For More Videos on Steve and Gates visit : Gates & Jobs (

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