Mint: Manage All Your Finances in One Place

Mint: Manage All Your Finances in One Place

      Mint is a free web application that allows you manage all your finances in one place. All you have to do is sign up and create an account. Then add [...]

Flattr: Flatter People with a Flat Rate Fee

Flattr: Flatter People with a Flat Rate Fee

      Flattr takes the concept of supporting the content that you like on the internet. As we browse through the internet every day, we listen to music, watch videos, view pictures [...]

11rush: A New Way to Play Fantasy Football

11rush: A New Way to Play Fantasy Football

      11rush is a fantasy football game. It brings a new and ‘legal’ way to play the popular fantasy football league. It is a weekly game and takes place every Sunday [...]

Topspin: A Direct-to-Fan Platform for Artists

Topspin: A Direct-to-Fan Platform for Artists

      Topspin is a comprehensive tool kit made especially for artists like professional singers and bands, labels and band managers. This online platform lets music artists make a store and manage [...]

Better Place: Supporting Sustainable Transportation

Better Place: Supporting Sustainable Transportation

      Better Place is an organization that not only supports sustainable transportation, but is also working towards introducing vehicles that will run on electricity. Freeing transportation from running on petroleum and [...]